Assign a Subplan

Delegate parts of the plan to stakeholders, so they can edit plan values for their part of the organization.

Note: Subplanners can start their own collaboration project to further delegate the subplans that you assign to them.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • To select a segment, on the right side of the segment, click the Assign a subplan button .
    • To select multiple segments, on the toolbar, click the Batch subplan actions button > Assign subplans. In the Segments list, select the segments you want to include in the subplan, and then click OK.
  2. In the Assign Subplan dialog, set headcount and cost goals for the subplanner.
    1. In the Subplans table, select the Set Goal check box.
    2. Type the goal in the FYE column.
  3. Optional: Turn off cost items for the subplan by clicking the Enable Cost of Workforce toggle button.

    Result: Cost items will not appear in the subplan.

    Tip: To simplify the planning experience, we recommend that you disable Cost of Workforce if subplanners are only providing planned headcount values.
  4. In the Assign To box, type the username or employee name of the subplanner.
  5. Optional: In the Lock Costs list, select costs that the subplanner cannot change.
  6. In the Currency list, select the consolidation and display currency for the subplan.

    Tip: Change this option to let subplanners plan using their local currency.
  7. In the Due By: box, select a due date for the subplan.
  8. Optional: In the Subplan Segments list, add additional segments for the subplanner to plan.
  9. Optional: In the Comments box, type a note or instructions for the subplanner.
  10. Click Assign.

    Result: An email is sent to the subplanner to notify them that they have been assigned a subplan.

  • To avoid duplication of effort, you will not be able to edit the assigned plan values until the subplan is submitted or the collaboration project has ended.
  • Locked plan values are shaded gray.
  • Subplans can be deleted from the Plans page under My collaborations. To delete a subplan, hover over the subplan, and click the Delete button on the Quick Actions toolbar.
    • Subplan owners can delete any subplan that they've assigned to another user.
    • Main plan owners can delete any subplan that is associated with the main plan.